Tam Home Run Derby!
Opening Ceremonies begin at 9AM
Event: 9AM-NOON
Tamalpais High School
700 Miller Ave; Mill Valley, CA 94941
1. First, Go to "Donate or Participate" section to register online,
2. Second, Download the forms below to get started!!!!
Home Run Derby Flyer
Home Run Derby Corporate Sponsor Sheet
Boys and girls ask family and friends to sponsor a specific $ amount for each home run they hit (download Sponsorship Form above). Each participant brings their sponsorship form to the event and hits homeruns until they reach 10 outs. An out counts as any hit that does not go over the designated fence and is not counted as a homerun. The field is staffed with volunteers for check-in and check-out, as well as score keeper to record the number of home runs hit by each participant. After the event, participants go back to their sponsors and show them how many free throws they made. Sponsors make donations on-line through this website in the "Donate or Participate" section. When making their donation, there is a form for sponsors to include the name of the participant they sponsored. 50% of all proceeds for this event will go UCSF Breast Cancer Research Center. 50% of all proceeds for this event will go to support the Tam Baseball Program.
Sign in through the website that you would like to participate in the event (go to "Donate and Participate" in primary navigation.
Download Sponsorship Form (Above) and add sponsors prior to the event.
Bring your sponsor form to the Event.
Check in at the check-in Table. Collect Breast Cancer Pin.
Wait until a person announces when your age group is going to hit.
When it is your turn, line up on the side of the fence and wait until it is your turn to hit.
You hit until you have gotten a total of 10 outs.
When you have gotten 9 outs, there will be a pink baseball introduced! If you hit a pink ball for a home run, you collect double money from your sponsors for that home run. You continue to hit with pink balls until you have reached your 10th out. When reached, you are done.
When you are finished your turn, receive a stamp that validates your participation and to collect a sponsorship sheet if you do not already have one.
Visit your sponsors after the event and tell them how many home runs you hit. Your sponsors can go online to this website and donate their amount under your name.
A minimum donation of $50 is recommended in order to participate.
Thank You For Your Participation!!